Nimbus defines a set of exceptions that you can use to handle errors in your application. These exceptions are used to communicate errors of a certain type.
You can optionally pass a message and a details object to provide further information.
All Exceptions have a fromError()
method to convert a standard JavaScript error into a Nimbus exception. This takes care to keep the original error message and stack trace.
For the InvalidInputException
you can use the fromZodError()
method to convert a Zod error into a Nimbus exception. This will keep the original error message and stack trace and also keeps the validation details.
import {
} from "@nimbus/core";
// Status code 500
throw new GenericException("Something went wrong");
// Status code 400
throw new InvalidInputException("The input is invalid", { foo: "bar" });
// Status code 401
throw new UnauthorizedException();
// Status code 403
throw new ForbiddenException();
// Status code 404
throw new NotFoundException("Account not found", {
reason: "The account with the provided id was not found",
import { GenericException } from "@nimbus/core";
const someError = new Error("Something went wrong");
const exception = new GenericException();
throw exception;
import { InvalidInputException } from "@nimbus/core";
import { z } from "zod";
const MyZodType = z.object({
sub: z.string(),
groups: z.array(z.string()),
try {
MyZodType.parse({ sub: 123, groups: ["bar"] });
} catch (error) {
const exception = new InvalidInputException();
throw exception;
Create a new exception
In case you need to add other types of exceptions you can simply create a new exception by extending the BaseException
import { Exception } from "@nimbus/core";
export class MySpecialException extends Exception {
constructor(message?: string, details?: Record<string, unknown>) {
"MY_SPECIAL_EXCEPTION", // The exception name
message ?? "Something Special", // provided message or fallback
details, // pass the provided details
500 // the status code
// Usage
throw new MySpecialException("Something went wrong", { foo: "bar" });