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The Nimbus router is responsible to take any input and route it to the correct handler. It is the entry point for all incoming messages.


In this example we create a router for the addAccount Command, the getAccount Query and the accountAdded Event from the previous examples.

import { createRouter } from "@nimbus/core";

import { getAccountHandler } from "./queries/getAccount.handler.ts";
import { GetAccountQuery } from "../core/queries/getAccount.ts";

import { addAccountHandler } from "./commands/addAccount.handler.ts";
import { AddAccountCommand } from "../core/command/addAccount.ts";

import { accountAddedHandler } from "./events/accountAdded.handler.ts";
import { AccountAddedEvent } from "../core/events/accountAdded.ts";

const accountRouter = createRouter({
    handlerMap: {
        GET_ACCOUNT: {
            handler: getAccountHandler,
            inputType: GetAccountQuery,
        ADD_ACCOUNT: {
            handler: addAccountHandler,
            inputType: AddAccountCommand,
        ACCOUNT_ADDED: {
            handler: accountAddedHandler,
            inputType: AccountAddedEvent,

// Will result in a successful response
const result = await accountRouter({
    name: "GET_ACCOUNT",
    params: {
        id: "67580951d5260d05eaa7f913",
    metadata: {
        correlationId: "123",
        authContext: {
            sub: "admin@host.tld",

// Will throw an InvalidInputException as the id parameter is missing
const result = await accountRouter({
    name: "UNKNOWN_QUERY",
    params: {},
    metadata: {
        correlationId: "123",
        authContext: {
            sub: "admin@host.tld",

// Will throw an NotFoundException as no route for UNKNOWN_QUERY is defined.
const result = await accountRouter({
    name: "UNKNOWN_QUERY",
    params: {},
    metadata: {
        correlationId: "123",
        authContext: {
            sub: "admin@host.tld",

Type Safety

The router will validate the input against the input type defined in the handler map and will throw an InvalidInputException if the input is invalid. This ensures that the handler function will always receive the correct type checked input.