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Project Structure

Nimbus is not opinionated about the project structure and you can adjust it to your needs. But here is a suggestion on how to structure your project.

Let's say we are building an application to track expenses so we can come up with the following structure based on a Domain-Driven-Design (DDD) approach.

Example Application

You can find the full example on GitHub The Expense Repo

Check it out and run it with deno task dev

  |- src
    |- account
      |- core
      |- shell
    |- auth
        |- core
        |- shell
    |- another-domain
      |- context-one
        |- core
        |- shell
      |- context-two
        |- core
        |- shell
    |- shared
    |- ...
    |- main.ts
  |- .gitignore
  |- deno.json
  |- deno.lock

At first we want to separate the different domains and contexts of our problem. So we create a directory for each domain like account and auth. We also have a shared directory for things that are used across multiple domains. As seen in the example above, we can separate multiple contexts within a domain into their own directories like context-one and context-two under another-domain.

And secondly we want to separate the core logic from the shell implementation. So we create a core and a shell directory in each context.